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Reflections from Digital Quality Summit
Review of current state and challenges associated with Digital Quality Measurement facing health plans today.

Qualipalooza 2022 in Review
The 2022 edition of Qualipalooza, a RISE™ production was a huge success. While we are all still struggling with the many effects of...

HDD at Qualipalooza
Health Data Decisions will be onsite at Rise® Qualipalooza at Ceaesar's Palace in sunny Las Vegas Nevada June 28-29 2022. Health Data...

HDD Welcomes New Staff
2022 has been a record growth year for the HDD team, and we're at it again-Health Data Decisions is excited to welcome a new staff...

Health Data Decisions to Sponsor 19th Rise Risk Adjustment Forum
Health Data Decisions is a bronze sponsor for the 19th annual Rise™ Risk Adjustment Forum, in Chicago, IL. The forum, bringing together...

HDD Welcomes New Staff
Health Data Decisions is excited to welcome our newest team member Jamilia Johnson who will be taking the prestigious position of Manager...

HDD Welcomes New Staff
Health Data Decisions is excited to welcome our newest Senior Analytics Consultant, Nelsen Constantin. Nelsen brings over 7 years of...

Rise National 2022 and HDD Sponsorship
HDD is proud to join the list of Silver Sponsors for RISE™ National, in Nashville. Health Data Decisions continues its ongoing...

Digital Quality Measure Transition 2 Part Webinar Series With Special Guests
Health Data Decisions and MK Advisors is hosting a webinar series on the transition to digital quality measurement. Special guests,...

NCQA and HL7- Digital Quality Summit
Health Data Decisions attending the Digital Quality Summit. There are so many changes coming to the quality space. Our obligation to our...

Health Data Decisions to be a Gold Sponsor at the RISE Annual National Summit, March 29-30, 2021
HDD is a proud sponsor of the RISE Annual Summit. Join Liz Carr and Mike Blumental of HDD for an interactive round table event,...
HDD Readiness for Continued Analytic Support Through COVID-19
Health Data Decisions is actively monitoring the required business activity modifications that the COVID-19 pandemic is mandating for our...
URAC selects HDD as a Data Validation Auditor for Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation
URAC has selected Health Data Decisions as a Data Validation Auditor for its Pharmacy Accreditation programs. Health Data Decisions...
HDD to Deliver Innovative and Data-Driven HOS and CAHPS Strategies to Major Regional Health Plan
A major Southern California Medicare Advantage provider has selected Health Data Decisions to help develop an intensive and focused...
HDD to host a beginners' “HEDIS® 101” workshop for all RISE HEDIS® Quality Summit Attendees
Please join us on Monday, October 16th at the Hyatt Regency, Miami for the Annual RISE HEDIS® Quality Summit. Keith Bell, MPH, and...
HDD retained by two consumer driven health plans to support EDGE server submissions.
Accuracy of EDGE data is key to obtaining maximum risk adjustment payments for both Medicare and Marketplace health plans. Health Data...
HDD to Provide Keynote Address on HEDIS® 2018 Changes at the RISE HEDIS® Quality Summit October 16th
Keith Bell, MPH, Director of Quality Improvement and Measurement at HDD will provide an interactive overview of the key changes NCQA has...
HDD retained for 4th year in a row to support and maintain National Hospital Quality Indicators
Health Data Decisions, in partnership with a lead contractor, has been retained for another year to program, maintain and support a suite...
HDD to Lead Roundtable at RISE West September 18-19 at RISE West
Join us at 4PM September 18th, for a special roundtable discussion on year-round HEDIS®, tracking, trending and measure projections at...
HDD HEDIS® Consulting Practice Now Serving Over 6 Million Covered Lives
HDD has been contracted to validate vendor HEDIS® extracts by a large regional health plan, using our proprietary Data Decisions Quality...
HDD expands HEDIS® practice into Texas and Nevada.
Health Data Decisions has been hired by a Medicare Advantage plan to improve its HEDIS® operations and drive quality improvement efforts...
HDD co-develops a new Primary Care Payment Model with FMAHealth
Family Medicine for America’s Health, a coalition of family practice provider organizations, has partnered with HDD to develop an...
HDD adds a 3rd MediCal plan to the HEDIS® client list
HDD will help a MediCal plan validate health plan HEDIS® extracts prior to submission to their certified vendor and improve their overall...
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