HDD is a proud sponsor of the RISE Annual Summit. Join Liz Carr and Mike Blumental of HDD for an interactive round table event, "Understanding Health Equity to Drive Your QI Programs"
We will provide an overview of the latest requirements related to social determinants and health equity as well as share a demonstration of our health equity tool eQuaFive™ to explore the intersection of health equity and quality. As NCQA begins to stratify quality measures by SDoH and the data exchange enabled by FHIR gets even closer, there will be more focus on the individual's experience and outcomes. We'll explore strategies for moving beyond gap-list focused QI into a prospective and predictive approach that integrates quality results with a quantified social vulnerability score that allows you to prioritize and target your outreach.
HDD will also host a Virtual Showcase on March 30th, 11:45 - 12:45 ET, for RISE conference attendees to discuss HDD product and service offerings as well as answer any questions you have.